Tuesday, August 7, 2007

IPv6, China's Next Generation Internet

With all the activity going on in China to prepare for it's debut on the world stage next year as the host of the 2008 Olympics there is one project that will likely change the way we all surf the web.

CNGI, as outlined in China’s latest five-year plan, is designed to move China from the manufacturing hub of the world to the center for technological and scientific breakthrough. Essentially, China is hoping that by being first on IPv6 national researchers, academics and entrepreneurs will be the first to develop new applications and widgets giving birth to a new wave of Googles and Amazons with first mover advantage. Apparently, the current version IPv4, can’t provide enough unique addresses for every would-be user in the world and has security and efficiency problems that IPv6 eliminates. The new internet is scheduled to be released at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

Article on CNGI

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